While surfing on quiet a few blogs the last couple of days, I kept running into these wonderful christmas-planers and thought, I could give it a try myself.
Geschlossen - closed:

Rückseite, geöffnet - Back-side, open:

Innenseite, geöffnet - Inside, open:

Das Einzige, was mich daran stört ist, dass ich den Planer leider mit der Hand beschriften mußte. Die Buchstaben meiner Rub-ons und auch mein Stempel-ABC waren leider zu groß.
The only thing that bothers me about it, is that I had to do hand-writing on it. My rub-ons and my stamping-abc were too large.
Hello Gaby!
AntwortenLöschenI love your blog! Please send me you e-mail address so I can reply to your comments.
Barbara Diane