Leser - Readers

Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010

Stanzerindex - Punch index

Da es mir schon passiert ist, dass ich im Laden vor dem Regal mit Stanzern stand und nicht mehr wußte, welche Größe von welchem Stanzer ich schon habe, wurde am Wochenende ein Stanzindex gewerkelt.
Die Kärtchen sind relativ klein, damit sie in jede Tasche passen und so beim nächsten Shoppen dabei sein können.

It happened to me before, that I was in a  craft-shop in front of a shelf full of punches, and I wasn't sure which punch oder what size of the punch I already have. That's why I made some punch index cards. They are small enough to fit in every bag so I can take them along on my next shopping tour.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Love this! I had to create my own also as I could never remember what I had and having them written on a piece of paper didn't really help as I always forgot to update it! I had to make returns many times! :<)

    Wishing you a lovely weekend!


    Barbara Diane
